
Greens - Elegance

Calculated at Checkout
Growing Season:
Cold Tolerant 32-60°
Growing Season:
Average/Normal 60-80°
Growing Season:
Heat Tolerant 80-95°
Not Required
Time to Harvest:
1-2 Weeks
Crop Size:
Growing Pots:
Growing Pots:
Baby Greens
Seed Type:
Open Pollinated
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Product Overview


Tower Garden® Ready No Pollination Required
100% Organic Seeds Grow with Grow Lights
100% GMO free 100% Pesticide Free
100% Farm Fresh FedEx and UPS Shipping


Stunning colors. Colors range from dark- and bronze-red to shades of green. The combination of flavors and textures makes this a beautiful salad. This mix includes pac choi, red mustard, and mizuna. Varieties are subject to change depending upon availability.