
Herbs - Tarragon, Mexican

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Growing Season:
Cold Tolerant 32-60°
Growing Season:
Average/Normal 60-80°
Growing Season:
Heat Tolerant 80-95°
Not Required
Time to Harvest:
4-6 Weeks
Crop Size:
Growing Pots:
Growing Pots:
Baby Greens
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100% Farm Fresh  


Sweet licorice flavor brightens salads and main dishes. The edible, pretty, golden-yellow flowers bloom all summer. Thrives in warmer climates

Mexican Tarragon (Tagetes lucida) is a beautiful addition to any herb garden. The leaves are often used as a tarragon substitute (hence the name), and the vibrant yellow flowers bloom well into late summer, and can perk up an otherwise drab landscape. The flowers are also known as Mexican Marigolds, and are an important symbol in the annual Día de los Muertos festivities, where they are placed on the graves of family members as ofrendas, or offerings. The flowers are often depicted in Huichol art, and are used to create a vibrant yellow dye.

The herb is a remedy of the Curanderos, who use it make a tea infusion for treating the common cold. It is also dried and burned as ceremonial incense, and as an insect repellant. But, most commonly, it is used as a spice — it has a flavor quite similar to tarragon, with a touch of anise. It adds a complimentary, savory flavor to eggs and other meat dishes.