
Edible Flowers - Wild Bergamot

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Product Overview

Tower Garden® Ready No Pollination Required
100% GMO Free Grow with Grow Lights
100% Farm Fresh 100% Pesticide Free
Edible Leaves and Flowers Fedex 2 Day Shipping


Bright lavender blooms with a spicy scent.

Traditionally used by Native Americans to soothe bronchial complaints and ease colds. Plants produce flowers in the second year after planting.

• Edible Flowers: Add petals to salads, sprinkle over mild fish, use in fruit salads, or to garnish desserts and drinks. Flavor is minty and spicy.

• Nectar plant for bees, butterflies and hummingbirds.
Starting the first year, leaves may be harvested. More leaves may be harvested each year as plant size increases. Bee Balm does not usually flower until the second year. Mature plants, 3-4 years old, can be divided to make new plants.